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Abstract Vipassana Meditation is a form of education that reveals a path of living. It was originally taught by the Buddha, in India, 2500 years ago, and is currently taught in secular meditation centers located in most countries of the world. There are five signature features of Vipassana Meditation. First, it is taught for free in ten-day residential retreats. It is an ancient, ongoing, educational communion, not a commercial enterprise. The second is its root within moral commitments and ethical values. It is not a self-absorbed activity. The third signature feature of Vipassana meditation is its focus on the arising and passing of body sensations, with the intention of experiencing directly within the framework of one’s own mind and body the impermanence of all conditioned things. This focus connects Vipassana to the scientific world-view, which understands our body and everything else in the world as informatically organized compounds of impermanently aggregated matter and energy. The fourth signature feature is that it leads to deepened self-integration, increased focus, and greater internal harmony. The fifth feature is its cultural location within a community of friends, practitioners, and teachers. The founding teacher for the worldwide spread of Vipassana in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Century has been Mr. S.N. Goenka of India. Approximately one million students, located on every continent, have learned Vipassana from Mr. Goenka and his appointed teachers. |
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